Thursday, April 13

China search engines

So Google is making further inroads into China, but don't expect them to help you find anything on Tienamen Square if you are over there. Google's decision not to allow access to Tienamen-Square-related Web content has been rationalized publicly as having to follow local laws. Google is also in Taiwan, doing R&D and making use of Taiwan's expertise (technology) in searching Chinese characters. I came across this report on the major search engines in China. I thought this might be useful for anybody out there in the blogosphere who's interested in getting their Web site some exposure through the search engines.

One thing's for sure, there isn't a dominant global search engine and if you're going to get high visibility for your business in multiple country-markets, it's going to involve finding out which search engine is dominant in each of your country-markets. In Taiwan, Yahoo dominates search. For auctions, it's also Yahoo, with eBay trailing far behind.

What about South Korea? India? Japan? Anybody know?



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