Innovation ramblings
Sharing Intellectual Property -- giving it away -- has hidden benefits for those who do so: it forces you to keep on innovating -- it ups the ante; it also keeps those firms and nations that are eager to "steal" IP or don't enforce their IP laws gorged: too busy enjoying the fruits of other people's labor to bother coming up with anything worthwhile themselves.

2. Innovation is more roll up the sleeves than button down the shirt. More Mike Tyson than Barbra Streisand.
3. Don't compare yourself to what's around you. Seek out the most competitive area in which you want to hone your craft. Methinks you would have seen much better costumes at a drag queen Halloween party in New York than what you had in your local neighborhood.
4. Innovation should be, as Schumpeter said, more like poker than roulette.
5. Though the outcomes of successful innovation often appear glamorous, the process can be mindnumbingly dull and frustrating.
Image courtesy of: Antirka
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