Friday, October 17

Taiwanese brands: AG Neovo

I had totally forgotten about this Taiwan-based brand, AG Neovo. This brand has actually been around for a long time (at least eight years), although it seemed to disappear off the radar for a few years. Why, I don't know. It seems to be making a reappearance, though.

I always thought that AG Neovo was a pretty good name choice. It connotes strength and confidence, don't you think? The AG element melded with the Neo element sends off a nice mix of past and future. Of course, the AG points to Germany, which is respected for its engineering prowess. And that abstract shape could be interpreted as a shield, suggesting that the brand has a heritage. Nice one! Does anybody know anything about this brand?

P.S. I just read in Obsessive Branding Disorder that in the former Soviet Union there were no brands -- at least in the form we have them today. It was essentially a brandless society. So what happened in this type of business environment? People learned that certain factories -- identifiable by a code on the product -- were better, or worse, than others at producing certain goods. Imageless commodities were pulled out and given one by the market -- they were branded. You can just imagine the dialogue:

A: This is a prime factory 03Z pork sausage my friend. I bought it especially for this occasion.
B: Gee, I can so not wait. Please pass the mustard.

[Note: I don't actually know if sausage was eaten with mustard in those days. It was a toss-up between mustard and mayonnaise.]

[Note: You can see a video from the author of Obsessive Branding Disorder, Lucas Conley, HERE].


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