Monday, June 20

The Six Million Dollar Man

Remember that show with Lee Majors as Steve Austin?

"We have the technology . . . "

But what, exactly, is technology? Here's a definition for consideration from Dosi (1984):

" . . . a set of pieces of knowledge both directly ‘practical’ (relating to concrete problems and devices) and ‘theoretical’ (but practically applicable though not necessarily already applied), know-how, methods, procedures, experience of success and failures and also, of physical devices and equipment" (p. 151).

Dosi’s definition of technology is comprehensive and emphasizes the use of knowledge to solve real, current problems in addition to its ability to solve problems that are not already evident -- future problems. Dosi’s definition of technology is fascinating because it explicitly includes experience (both successful and unsuccessful) as a key component of technology.

Though it is a great definition, it is nevertheless a bit long winded. Here's another, more useful one:

Technology is: "the practical application of scientific or technical knowledge" (Ketteringham and White, 1984). I like this one!



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