Wednesday, April 29

Decline of the US?

Remember all the talk about the so-called rise of Japan in the 80s? Replace those conversations today with China and you'll hear similar themes: the West, and particularly the United States, is past its prime etc. etc. There is little mention of two key issues in these discussions: the cultural attraction of the United States (including its brands) and its ability to attract the best and brightest from all nations. Look at any American university and you'll see a list of professor's names: Choi, Lee, Wang, Park, Fukuyama, Ibrahim . . .

I've been here in the United States for just over a year and I am completely blown away by how many people from all over the globe have found their home here. Now that is an innovation asset that is extremely hard to emulate. Like Japan, the rise of China may turn out to be something that we have to wait a very long time for.


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