Tuesday, February 28

A common vocabulary

There's no doubt about it: people interested in innovation need a common vocabulary. At the moment there isn't one. Gatignon et al. (2002) state that after 30 years of research into innovation and business performance, key concepts and measures are often ambiguous and, consequently, there is substantial empirical confusion on the effects of different kinds of innovation on firm performance and competitive superiority.

In firms that are active internationally, this problem is particularly acute. Here are some of the terms that I think need to be defined clearly in firms wishing to improve their innovation activities:

- Innovation
- Technology
- Sustaining innovation strategy
- Disruptive innovation strategy
- Radical innovation (Is it different from a disruptive innovation? Yes)
- Incremental innovation (Is this the same as continuous/evolutionary? Yes)
- Success and its measurement (i.e. is it market performance (future); financial performance (now); or both?

This is just a start. I'm thinking of making a wee handbook with these terms in it, along with a definition. If anybody can think of more essential terms, please feel free to add to this list!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gordon, I added some suggestions for your vocabulary list in my post here:

4:05 AM  

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